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8,90 €
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Upozornenie: Toto nie je tlačená verzia knihy.
Túto e-knihu si budete môcť po zakúpení stiahnuť do svojho počítača, mobilu alebo čítačky.In Thoughts You Are Perfect
In thoughts you are perfect in thoughts you do not quail bicycle minus wheel in spirit never fails
In life things are harder you could not be bound when the ideal came circling and took yoursecond round
And now you sift what is and what’s only dreamed you wish that wheel were yours but it was not so deemed
Do not grieve without it why rage at the fates? The one that remained ...
In Thoughts You Are Perfect
In thoughts you are perfect in thoughts you do not quail bicycle minus wheel in spirit never fails
In life things are harder you could not be bound when the ideal came circling and took yoursecond round
And now you sift what is and what’s only dreamed you wish that wheel were yours but it was not so deemed
Do not grieve without it why rage at the fates? The one that remained is sound and in place
Why value it little for the perfect you burn try to lend it more trust start to live, do not mourn
Maja KadlečíkováKategória
anglický jazykPočet strán
31 stránEAN
496060 z 5
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Ďalšie hodnotenia99.38%
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* hodnotenia za posledných 90 dní
ShopRoku 2021
Finalista - Knihy a e-čítanie
ShopRoku 2020
Finalista - Knihy a e-čítanie
ShopRoku 2019
Finalista - Knihy a e-čítanie
ShopRoku 2018
Víťaz - Knihy a e-čítanie
ShopRoku 2017
Víťaz - Knihy a e-čítanie
ShopRoku 2016
Víťaz - Knihy a e-čítanie
ShopRoku 2015
Finalista - Knihy a e-čítanie
ShopRoku 2014
Finalista - Zábava